Hello there! I apologize for not writing sooner about my wonderful road trip to Saint Louis. It's been so hot and humid lately and I didn't feel much like blogging.
My trip was simply wonderful. Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Rita and I packed up all our things the Friday before the 4th of July and took a very very long road trip. The trip was about 9 hours long but I sleep most of the way. Every now and again, I would pop my head up and ask Mommy if we were there yet -- but the answer was always, "No".
We finally reached Saint Louis at about 3:00 PM and boy was I happy! I met my cousin Xane for the very first time! Mommy had me pick out a nice new toy to bring for Xane too. He seemed to really like it.
Xane was so energic that I honestly felt like an old dog. Was I ever that hyper? Everywhere I would go, he would follow me. After a couple hours of playing with him, I just wanted to take a nap, but he wouldn't leave me alone...he wanted to play and play. I don't think he's quite use to other doggies being in his home. Daddy even tried to teach Xane some commands. Daddy would have me do the commands first to show Xane and then try it with him next. Daddy even gave him some of my treats but I didn't mind. It got Xane off my back for a little while :-)
Later that evening, Mommy, Daddy, Aunty Mandy and Uncle Marcus all went out to dinner. Grandma Rita stayed home and dogsat us. I love when Grandma watches us...she spoils us so. She plays with us and gives us tasty human food to try. Mommy gets mad at this though - she doesn't want me to get sick from eating foods that I am not use to.
Xane and I just chilled and talked for hours. We got along so well and had a lot in common. I was telling him that he should come to Minnesota and he'd get to meet and play with Xavier and Xanza. He said he'd try and convince his 'rents. I think the reason why we got along so well is because he reminded me to Xanza minus the beating me up part.
After all the humans got back from dinner, we all just relaxed and talked. Mommy and Aunty Mandy played Scrabble while Uncle Marcus and Daddy watched television before we all went to bed and prepared for the 4th of July get-together.