Friday, May 22, 2009

My busy Masters

I apologize that it has taken me such a long time to write. Master Lors and Master Stan have been quite busy for the past few weeks and I have been unable to use their laptops at my leisure. I figure it must be quite important so I let them use their computers - no questions asked. From what I gathered, they have started up a photography business. Master Lors takes absolutely beautiful flower photos and they are trying to share them with the world. I believe they are starting to put their photos on Ebay. Feel free to check them out.

They both have been working very long days at their normal jobs and then come home and work another 5-6 hours in the evenings. I do not understand where they get their energy from. It's as if they are running on jet fuel like Aunty Molly! If I don't get my 16 hours of beauty sleep, I simply cannot function.

I looked on the wall calendar and it appears that tomorrow is their wedding anniversary. I hope they remember to take some time for each other. Otherwise, I may have to be a "bad boy" and knock the calendar and point to the date with my paw. I hope that it does not have to come to that.

I can't believe it's been seven years already! I've lived with them for approximately 6.5 years so I feel as though that I am apart of their celebration as well. I wish them many more wonderful years. Before Blizzard came along, the three of us did everything together. They were such wonderful parents. They wanted to raise me properly so they were constantly researching every aspect of living with a dog. At times they were strict but they always showered me with lots of love and affection. I must admit, sometimes I did try to test their boundaries and came to learn rather quickly that they meant business. I would not be the dog I am today if it was not for them. Thank you Masters!