Friday, April 24, 2009

Where have all the rabbits gone?

Xanza here! Question - do you know where all the rabbits went? The weather is all nice now and I still haven't seen a single one..not one! Makes me mad.

Me want a nice juicy wriggley rabbit.

Last summer was awesome - I caught me a bunch of rabbits. I even took out a raccoon and a opposum in back to back weeks, can you believe it?! Those were a bit rough though. They managed to piss me off so much that they were not worth being in ma belly! So I left 'em for Father to take care of. Mother was a bit freaked out as usual. She don't like dead things at all.

I remember the first rabbit kill like it was yesterday...wait a minute...was it yesterday?...naw I don't think so...anyways...I brought ma juicy bunny up to show Mother at the backdoor but she screamed and didn't want to let me inside. I guess she didn't want me bringin' it in the house and makin' a I did what was needed..muahahaha....all I can say was..."Mmmm, that was a tasty bunny".

I rock...before it was the white one that would get the I've passed him up. Mother keeps calling him a "lover" not a "fighter"....yeah sure...if lover means you suck and youra pansy. Stupid white dog. I wanna bite his face. Maybe now the humans will see me as 2nd dog. I still haven't seen Xavier take anything out in the backyard but then again, the animals don't even come in the yard when he's around. I guess he's gotta be pretty strong for them to do that.