I know that there are some who think that I cannot differentiate between being human and being a dog. I feel as though that I am judged for turning my back on my species because I enjoy the simple pleasures of human life.
For example, when I was a young pup, Master Stan would take me for car rides in his sports car. On some occasions, he would make a quick stop into a store and I would wait for him in the car. When he would return, he would catch me in the driver's seat. Now, I know that this looks quite bad but that was not my intention. All I wanted was to feel what it was like to drive...like Master Stan. I would put my paws up and wish I had opposable thumbs to grasp the steering wheel. I would imagine the cool summer air in my fur and the sweet smells of delectable food as they slowly linger near my nose. Is that so terribly wrong?
I must admit that all things that the humans do intrigue me. So, I take it upon myself to pretend when I am given the opportunity. Like when the Masters are at work, I hop into their bed and pretend to be lazy and sleep in. Or when people come over to visit, I sometimes greet them with a handshake. On one occasion I was given the chance to try real beer! Master Stan poured some cheap beer for me in my bowl but I did not like it very much and had to politely refuse. He then got the idea of pouring some Optimator, a German brew, in hopes that I would like it better. Surely enough, that was quite tasty and refeshing. I licked it all up!

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