I'm sorry that I haven't had much time to write. Mommy and I have been busy preparing for our Walk for Animals fundraiser sponsered by the Animal Humane Society (AHS). Every year, AHS has this huge walk with lots of animals to raise money for animal causes. Last year, Mommy, Grandma and I walked about 2 miles and raised over $300 for charity. It was so much fun!
I was also able to meet other wonderful doggies, eat lots of ice cream, get my picture taken by lots of people, see a professional football player, listen to bands that played songs about dogs, and visit booths with fun things just for me. I even got a chance for flirt...hehe. I met this beautiful sammy; her name was Daisy and we immediately hit it off. I was so drawn to her that I kept following her, smelling her and cuddling with her. I just couldn't take my eyes away from her. Mommy thought it was SO cute and I could tell that she was thinking grandpuppies! Silly Mommy - I was only flirting!
Mommy is working so hard trying to get me in shape for the walk this year. I guess, this year it will be at a different place and we have to walk 5 miles. Oh my gosh - I hope my paws can handle it. She is also busy trying to get those few last minute donations. So, if you know anyone who might be interested in donating, please go to this place:
I can't wait for the walk. I love Mommy so much and love spending time with her. She's my everything.

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