Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I can hear you now!
Posted by Lors at 1:57 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Ma rug
Wassup ma peeps. How y'all doin'? Xanza here.
Posted by Lors at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Not the Face!
I think Xanza had some issues with him though. Xanza saw Mommy putting Xane's crate in the kitchen where his normally is and Xanza got pissed. He kept saying how it wasn't fair for him to sleep outside on the porch while Xane was all warm and cozy inside. He kept saying how Xane was way more bad than him. It was kinda funny! I was thinking, "How can any dog be worse that Xanza". I know, I am mean. LOL

Posted by Lors at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
End of Summer
Good evening. I apologize for not being diligent with my writing. I've been enjoying these last beautiful summer days. Pretty soon, winter will be here and I will be stuck indoors with cabin fever. I don't like winter very much. I don't get to go outside and play fetch with Master Lors, or hang out with Master Stan when he's doing yard work or grilling. Luckily, Master Lors has been playing fetch with me several times a week so I am in tip top shape going into the winter.
Xanza has even been quite nice lately too. I think he's finally understanding what it takes to be a German Shepard. He has a long way to go, but I believe he's on the right track to being a good, loyal and dependable dog. As a result of his good behavior, he has been getting a lot more freedom while in the house. That is a good sigh. It means that the Masters are beginnng to trust him. He's still not allowed to have free reign of the house while they are out, like me...but that will come in time.
Oh, I almost forgot, a few weeks ago I celebrated my 7th birthday. It was wonderful. Master Lors baked me the most delicious cake I have ever tasted. It was called Peanut Butter Delight, I believe. And I received lots of hugs and kisses from Master Lors. She smothers me so but I do not mind. It makes her happy and that makes me happy.
Posted by Lors at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Getting back Xavier's mojo
Xanza here! How y'all doing? Long time huh?
Posted by Lors at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
OMG -- It's my Birthday

Posted by Lors at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Saint Louis Road Trip

Posted by Lors at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Who Let the Dog Out?
Xanza here! OMG, lemme tell ya about what happened a couple days ago.
I gots me in some trouble.
So, Mommy let me outside to do ma bizness when she got home from work right. Well, that stupid little yippy dog next door started mouthin' off to me yet again. I don't even know what type of dog he is but he's awfully small. I don't even consider him a real dog -- he's so puny. Heck, any dog less that 30 pounds is not a REAL dog. That's just my 1 cents.
His Master is cool though...his name is Carl but damn... that dog I can't stand. Every single day, he comes up to the fence and starts talkin' crap to me. He's always sayin' how he can take me, or how he can own me, or how I am no match for him, or how German Shepards sux, or how I have no cajones. Tell me -- what the hell is cajones?! Is that like some Cajun food or sumtin? If it is, I can go for sum of dat.
Well, that dog pisses me off so much that I start barkin' at him (which usually gets the Humans upset at me). And to make matters worse, he always be laughin' at me that I am behind the fence and can't get out. He comes right up the the fence and taunts me! OMG - you don't know how much that pisses me off.
Well a couple days ago he was at it again! He started spewin' stuff about Mom. He started tellin' these aweful "Yo Momma" jokes. I couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't gonna disrespect the only person in this whole wide world that loved me. So, I found a way to get under the fence. Was seriously going off some high adrenalan and I went after him at full speed. OMG...it was so friggin' funny. He got SO scared that he froze for a second then ran straight into his house. He never even came back out.
His Master, Carl, started rollin'. But then Carl went to go get Mom to let her know that I was out of backyard and running around the street. When she opened the door and saw me outside, she did not have a happy face. She quickly called me and I ran into the house and in my crate.
Even though, she was mad at me for a bit, I don't regret it. All in a days work if I scared that lil dog shiatless.
Posted by Lors at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Kick Boxing Bliz
Boy have things been busy around the house! Both Mommy and Daddy started taking this kick boxing class a few weeks ago. They seem to be enjoying it a lot, although, they often have very sore muscles the day after. That's no fun at all. Been there, done that while chasing many a rabbit in the backyard.
I was thinking that it would be cool to join that class too! But unfortunately, they don't allow doggies. Places discriminate SO much against dogs. It's so not fair! Now I know how women felt when they couldn't have the same rights as men and Blacks not being able to do same things as Whites. More people should allow doggies to go into Human places.
But, as I was saying, it would be fun to take kick boxing with Mommy and Daddy. I can learn how to be strong and defend myself. And anytime Xanza tries to be a bully and beat up on me, I can give him a great jab or hook in the face and make him see birdies. Oooh, that would be SO much fun. Then, maybe he'll give me some respect.
I think Xanza is probably mad at me because Mommy decided to take me with her on a road trip to Saint Louis. Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Rita and I are all going to visit Aunty Mandy & Uncle Marcus. I simple can't wait to meet my cousin, Xane. I hope he likes me. I hear he's got lots of energy like me so I'm sure we will spend hours and hours playing together. Mommy said that sometimes Xane can be quite naughty though and that I should teach him some good manners while I am there. I must remember to do that because, I was quite naughtly myself in my youth. Sure I had a cute face, but I was bad to the bone.
Posted by Lors at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Playing fetch
I just wanted to give thanks to my Mom. Even though she's been occupied with many errands and projects lately, she still finds time in her very busy day to spend time with me. On her lunch breaks from work, she sometimes drives home to eat lunch and spend some time with me. She would eat her sandwich quickly and then she would take my favorite red kong ball in the backyard and we would play fetch. Also, in the afternoons, even though she's super tired, she'd take a few minutes to play fetch again. I love her and just wanted to thank her. It's only a few minutes but it means the worlds to me. I think that everyone should take a few minutes of their day to do something nice...even when things can seem overwhelming.
Posted by Lors at 2:54 PM 0 comments